Comite Resources provides quality Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Reports and Desktop Reviews on properties for commercial real estate transactions, lender financing, owner re-financing, foreclosures, and other programs. Whether you are buying a parcel of land, refinancing, or foreclosing, we can assist you in determining the potential environmental liability associated with the previous use of the property.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments are detailed investigations into the history and former uses of the property as it pertains to the environmental risk to the buyer. Phase I Environmental Assessments identify any adverse environmental conditions based on available records, observations, and other sources of obtainable information, and include a detailed onsite inspection of the property to identify hidden risk and/or non compliance. Sources include:

  • historical aerial imagery
  • historical topographical map review
  • historical city directories, building permits, fire insurance maps
  • federal and state government environmental records
  • inspection of subject property and surrounding areas
  • interviews with property owners, operators, occupants

The Desktop Review is an abbreviated Phase I ESA that includes obtaining and reviewing available State and Federal environmental databases and analyzing historical imagery and topographic maps of the subject property and nearby surrounding areas to determine the historical use of the property. This information may then be used to justify a full Phase I ESA report, or indicate that the project may proceed without a full report. Let Comite Resources assess your needs and help develop a solution today.