Carbon Sequestration
Carbon sequestration refers to the removal of atmospheric carbon by plants and soils or other storage mechanisms, which can mitigate greenhouse gases released as a …
Biloxi Marshes
The Biloxi marshes are located southeast of New Orleans and consists of saline and brackish marshes that act as a storm barrier for the New …
Assimilation Wetlands
Assimilation wetlands are natural wetlands into which secondarily treated and disinfected effluent from a wastewater treatment plant is discharged to improve water quality and wetland …
Stormwater Wetlands
Stormwater Wetlands Urban development over the last several decades in the United States has greatly increased the extent of impervious surfaces, such as streets, rooftops, …
Wetland Delineations
Comite Resources has conducted wetland delineations throughout Louisiana for over a decade. A delineation includes assessment of vegetation, soils and hydrology, with expertise in these areas critical to the …
SETs at Biloxi Marshes
Surface Elevation and Accretion Data Gathering at Historical Plots in the Biloxi Marshes In 2003, University of New Orleans researchers established 30 surface elevation table …
Mangrove Restoration
Comite Resources has extensive experience working with mangroves in coastal Louisiana (see Carbon Sequestration) as well Mexico and the south Pacific. In particular, Comite Resources …