- Identify wetland boundaries
- Wetland mapping
- Report preparation
- Site assessment and baseline monitoring
- Project planning & permitting
- Restoration design
- Vegetation planting & monitoring
- Cypress-Tupelo Swamps
- Freshwater emergent marsh
- Saltmarsh
- Mangrove
- Hydrological modification
- Impact Analyses
- Implementation & monitoring
- Project Management
- Project Development
- Feasibility studies
- Ecological Baseline studies
- Monitoring
- Permit preparation (LPDES, CUP, 404, Water Quality certification)
- Stormwater wetlands
- Treatment wetlands
- Free water surface wetlands
- Horizontal subsurface flow wetlands
- Vertical flow wetlands
- Floating wetlands
Ecological Impact, Monitoring & Management
- Water
- Quality – nutrients, sediments, heavy metals, P&PCP and other contaminants
- Hydrology – water level, flux, flow patterns, hydroperiod, etc.
- Spatial analysis of large waterways using flow-through technology
- Submerged aquatic vegetation surveys
- Vegetation
- Ecological characterization – species composition, density, biomass, etc.
- Forested and emergent wetland annual productivity
- Tissue analysis for heavy metals and other contaminants
- Control of invasive exotic plants
- Soils
- Soil type and organic matter content
- Sampling for heavy metals and other contaminants
- Wetland soil accretion & surface elevation changes (i.e., feldspar & SETs)
- Air
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting, management plans & verification
- Wildlife
- Nutria monitoring & control
- Endangered Species Surveys
- Avian census surveys
- Bathymetric mapping
- Ground-truthing
- Vegetation communities
- Critical & suitable habitat analysis
- Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) permit applications
- Coastal Use Permit (CUP) applications
- Toxic Substances Control Act Compliance Assistance & Audits
- Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Permits
- CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
- Levee Board permits
- Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Regulatory Agency Assistance & Negotiations
- LPDES Permit Compliance
- Assessment of compliance issues
- Create management plan to address compliance issues
Environmental Assessment & Monitoring
- Environmental
- Natural and Cultural Resource Surveys
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- NEPA Compliance Assistance
- Environmental Due Diligence Services
- Oil spill & other contaminant assessment & remediation
- Phase 1/Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments
- Needs, Alternatives, and Justification (NAJ) Analyses
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation & Enforcement
- Environmental Assessment
- Biological
- Threatened & Endangered species surveys
- Risk Management Plans
- Water resource management
- Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP) Preparation
- Stormwater Pollution Protection Plans (SWPPP)
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
- Wetland mitigation plan development
- Ecological baseline studies
- Oil & Gas Impact Assessments
- Historical Research
- Data Reviews & Analysis
- Expert testimony
- Project feasibility and design
- Implementation
- Monitoring
- Market Analysis
- Troubleshooting performance issues
- Increase plant reduction efficiencies using novel technologies
- Literature review
- Statistical analysis
- Database management
- Report preparation
- Project development
- Watershed trading framework assessment
- Development of water quality trading plans
- Water quality monitoring
- Project review