Comite Resources maintains a relationship with permitting personnel at LDEQ, LDNR, and USACE and has a full-time permitting specialist on staff. Comite Resources can assist or completely handle your permitting needs for any type of project. The scientists of Comite Resources keep up-to-date on new and proposed environmental regulations in order to assist clients in planning projects and preparing permit applications. Our scientists track the permit applications and prepare responses and supplemental documents as needed, and work to develop acceptable, compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts.
- Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Permits
- Coastal Use Permit (CUP) applications
- CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
- LA Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) permit applications
- Levee Board permits
- LPDES Permit Compliance
- Regulatory agency assistance (i.e., permit negotiations, data support)
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Permit Support Documents:
- Needs, Alternatives, and Justification Analysis (NAJ)
- Hydrologic Modification Impact Analysis (HMIA)
- Ecological Feasibility and Baseline studies
- Adaptive Management Plans
- Endangered Species surveys